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Classic Silver Collection
The collection features an array of meticulously crafted rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, all adorned with exquisite silverwork that showcases our commitment to excellence. Discover the allure of Classic Silver Jewelry and let your radiance shine with these exceptional pieces that define elegance and grace.
All productsAll products.9251002221002231002241002251002271002341003521003531003541003551003561003571003589870198702987069871198717988899931799320996839968499685abaloneabalone earringsabalone necklaceabalone palm treeabalone ringabalone turtleabalone turtle ringabalone wave ringamethystamethyst and diamond ringamethyst beadamethyst earringsamethyst jewelryamethyst necklaceamethyst ringamethyst tree necklaceamethyst tree pendantanchoranchor jewelryanchor necklaceAsymmetric Paperclipbeachbeach jewelrybeadbead tree necklaceBeaded Outline Ovalblack onyxblack onyx necklaceblack onyx pendantblueblue opalblue opal ringblue opal wave ringblue sandstoneblue sapphireBlue Spinelblue topazblue topaz earringsblue topaz necklaceblue topaz ringbraceletbutterflybutterfly necklaceCable BandCatcat earringscat necklacechaincitrineclassiccrosscross jewelrycross necklacecross pendantcross ringcubic zirconiacubic zirconia earringscubic zirconia necklacecubic zirconia ringCZcz braceletcz crosscz engagement ringcz necklacecz ringcz tennis braceletCZ TurtleD-5435d-6576d-7212D-7216D-8337d-8512D-8645D-9088D-9089diamondDIW-3233DIW-3259-6DIW-3259-7DIW-3259-8dolphindolphin jewelrydolphin necklacedouble ovaldragonflydragonfly necklacedrop pendantearringsemeraldengagement ringfashion ringfreshwater pearlgarnetgarnet earringsgarnet necklacegold platedgold plated bracelethaloheartheart jewelryheart necklaceheart ringHeart studshoop earringshoopshorsehummingbirdhummingbird necklaceinfinityinitialj22jadejade earringsK-8945K-9210KyaniteL-4009Ladybugladybug necklacelapislapis earringslariatlariat necklacelarimarlarimar catlarimar earringslarimar necklacelink braceletlocketlong necklacelove knot earringsm-6210m-6213m-6215m-6219m-6589M-6977m-7237M-7558marquiseMicro Pave Marquisemother of pearlmother of pearl earringsmother of pearl necklaceNatural Diamondnecklaceoctopusonyxonyx catonyx earringsopalopal crossopal earringsopal leaf necklaceopal necklaceopal palmopal palm treeopal ringopal sand dollaropal starfishopal starfish earringsopal starfish necklaceopal turtleopal turtle necklaceopal wave ringoval locketowlpalmpalm treepalm tree earringspalm tree necklacepalm tree pendantpalmettopalmetto pendantpalmetto treepalmetto tree jewelrypaperclippear shapepearlpearl earringspearl necklacepearlsperidotperidot earringsperidot necklacepineapple jewelryright hand ringringrope designrosarysale jewelrysand dollarsand dollar necklacesapphiresapphire and diamondsapphire bluesapphire earringssapphire ringsapphiresse-2050se-340se-440sea lifesea turtlesea turtle jewelrysea turtle ringseahorseseahorse necklaceseashellseashell necklacesilversilver braceletsilver chainsilver crosssilver cz crosssilver earringssilver heartsilver hoopssilver locketsilver necklacesilver ringsize 6size 7size 8solitairesouth carolinastarstar of davidstarfishstarfish earringsstarfish jewelrystarfish necklacesterlingsterling silversterling silver braceletsterling silver earringssterling silver jewelrystud earringsswarovskit-7984tanzanitetennis bracelettennis necklacetopaztopaz earrirngstree necklacetree of lifetree of life necklacetree of life pendantturtleturtle earringsturtle necklacetwo tonetwo tone pendantw-1984W-3188-6W-3188-8w-3188-9W-3211-7W-3211-8wavewave ringwomens chain
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