Diamond Pendants

The Jeweler's Loupe has a large inventory of beautiful diamond pendants in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold and sterling silver. We can also set any stone of your choice in a semi mount pendant using your existing stone or one of ours. We have many styles ranging from vintage to modern with a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
All productsAll products10005310013910047410047510047610047714k yellow gold93009989129960299603amethystAMETHYST & DIAMONDamethyst jewelryamethyst necklaceblue sapphirebridal necklaceC5900SPC8830SPCR029-0025/D4WCR029-0025/D4Ycrosscross necklacediamonddiamond and emeralddiamond and sapphire banddiamond crossdiamond jewelrydiamond necklacediamond palmdiamond palm and moondiamond palm treediamond pendantemeraldemerald and diamondemerald necklacefiligreeflowergold palm jewelryH1856AMhalo sapphire ringinitialnecklaceP2680WGp3144p3186p3196p3197p3198P3789EMpalm treepalm tree jewelrypalmetto pendantpalmetto treepalmetto tree jewelrypendantprincess cutPS1017-051D4Yrd5380jrd5380jwrd5381jrd5383jrd5383jwrd5384jrd5385jrose goldrubyruby and diamondruby necklaceruby redsapphiresapphire and diamondsapphire bluesapphire necklacesapphire pendantsouth carolinasouth carolina palmettosterling silversterling silver jewelryswirlW99586WC7116SWC7777sWC8830Rwedding necklacewhite goldwhite gold diamondwhite gold diamond necklaceyellow goldyellow gold crossyellow gold diamond
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